Tag Archives: vat-penalty

VAT registration delays – latest

By   8 March 2021

Anecdotally, we understand that some businesses applying for registration are experiencing significant delays. Further, attempts to contact HMRC by email is often difficult, and telephones are regularly not answered (although we understand that some people have enjoyed more success with the webchat).  Also, the Non-Established Taxable Persons (NETP) office has moved, right at the time when more EU businesses need to register in the GB due to Brexit. This has created an even longer backlog.


The Business Delivery Team at HMRC has confirmed that it is attempting to deal with a very high number of applications, which are being delayed for various reasons (not least by the sheer volume one expects). The department has also stated that the following actions and checks will assist with faster processing times and urges applicants to check that all information requested set out here is included with the application to avoid any further delays.  The most salient being to use the online method rather than the hard copy. However, this is not always possible if additional documentation needs to be sent.

How to avoid common errors identified by HMRC 

  • ensure that the addresses provided on the VAT 1 form matches the business’s principal place of business (PPOB)
  • check that the notification of a trade classification matches the supplies the business makes
  • the VAT treatment of activities must be correctly identified
  • the correct person must sign the application – eg; for a corporate body it must be a director, company secretary or authorised signatory or an authorised agent
  • ensure the correct registration date (effective date of registration – EDR) is given. And that the EDR is accurate considering the circumstances that have been outlined for requesting registration elsewhere in the application
  • the bank account details provided must be in the name of the taxable person

And I will add; do not forget form VAT5L when registering a business which is involved in land and property transactions.

The Business Delivery Team also stated that “We are also considering how we can improve the registration process by resolving more cases in real time by telephone and engaging with customers in a different way to gather any further required information. We’ll tell you more about this shortly.”

While any improvement in communication is to be welcomed, it remains to be seen what practical measures will be implemented to speed up registration processing and how soon these will be put in place.


VAT – Apportionment issues: Complex and costly

By   16 February 2021

The dictionary definition of the verb to apportion is “to distribute or allocate proportionally; divide and assign according to some rule of proportional distribution”. 

So why is apportionment important in the world of VAT and where would a business encounter the need to apportion? I thought that it might be useful to take an overall look at the subject as it is one of, if not the most, contentious areas of VAT. If affects both output tax declarations and input tax claims, so I have looked at these two areas separately. If an apportionment is inaccurate it will either result in paying too much tax, or risking penalties and additional attention from HMRC; both of which are to be avoided!

The overriding point in all these examples is that any apportionment must be “fair and reasonable”.


The following are examples of where a business needs to apportion the value of sales:

  • Retail sales

Retailers find it difficult to account for VAT in the normal way so they use what is known as a retail scheme. There are various schemes but they all provide a formula for calculating VAT on sales at the standard, reduced and zero rate. This is needed for shops that sell goods at different rates, eg; food, clothing and books alongside standard rated supplies.  As an example, in Apportionment Scheme 1 a business works out the value of its purchases for retail sale at different rates of VAT and applies those proportions to its sales.

  • Construction

A good example here is if a developer employs a contractor to construct a new building which contains retail units on the ground floor with flats above.  The construction of the commercial part is standard rated, but the building of the residential element is zero rated.  The contractor has to apportion his supply between the two VAT rates.  This apportionment could be made with reference to floorspace, costs, value or any other method which provides a fair and reasonable result.  The value of supplies relating to property is often high, so it is important that the apportionment is accurate and not open to challenge from HMRC.  I recommend that agreement on the method used is agreed with HMRC prior to the supply in order to avoid any subsequent issues.

  • Property letting

Let us assume that in the construction example above, when the construction is complete, the developer lets the whole building to a third party. He chooses to opt to tax the property in order to recover the attributable input tax.  The option has no effect on the residential element which will represent an exempt supply. Consequently, an apportionment must be made between the letting income in respect of the shops and flats.

  • Subscriptions

There has been a great deal of case law on whether subscriptions to certain organisations by which the subscriber obtains various benefits represent a single supply at a certain VAT rate, or separate supplies at different rates. A common example is zero rated printed matter with other exempt or standard rated supplies.

  • Take away

Most are familiar with the furore over the “pasty tax” and even with the U-turn, the provision of food/catering is often the subject of disputes over apportionment.  Broadly; the sale of cold food for take away is zero rated and hot food and eat in (catering) is standard rated.  There have been myriad cases on what’s hot and what’s not, what constitutes a premises (for eat in), and how food is “held out” for sale. The recent Subway dispute highlights the subtleties in this area. I have successfully claimed significant amounts of overpaid output tax based on this kind of apportionment and it is always worth reviewing a business’s position.  New products are arriving all the time and circumstances of a business can change.  A word of warning here; HMRC regularly mount covert observation exercises to record the proportion of customers eating in to those taking away.  They also carry out “test eats” so it is crucial that any method used to apportion sales is accurate and supportable.

  • Opticians

Opticians have a difficult time of it with VAT.  Examinations and advice services are exempt healthcare, but the sale of goods; spectacles and contact lenses, is standard rated.  Almost always a customer/patient pays a single amount which covers the services as well as the goods. Apportionment in these cases is very difficult and has been the subject of disagreement and tribunal cases for many years; some of which I have been involved in.  Not only is the sales value apportionment complex, but many opticians are partly exempt which causes additional difficulties. I recommend that all opticians review their VAT position.

Input tax recovery

  • Business/Non-Business (BNB)

If an entity is involved in both business and non-business activities, eg; a charity which provides free advice and also has a shop which sells donated goods. It is unable to recover all of the VAT it incurs.  VAT attributable to non-business activities is not input tax and cannot be reclaimed.  Therefore it is necessary to calculate the quantum of VAT attributable to BNB activities, that VAT which cannot be attributed is called overhead VAT and must be apportioned between BNB activities.  There are many varied ways of doing this as the VAT legislation does not specify any particular method.  Therefore it is important to consider all of the available alternatives. Examples of these are; income, expenditure, time, floorspace, transaction count etc.

  • Partial exemption

Similarly to BNB if a business makes exempt supplies, eg; certain property letting, insurance and financial products, it cannot recover input tax attributable to those exempt supplies (unless the value is de minimis). Overhead input tax needs to be apportioned between taxable and exempt supplies.  The standard method of doing this is to apply the ratio of taxable versus exempt supply values to the overhead tax. However, there are many “special methods” available, but these have to be agreed with HMRC.  Partial exemption is often complex and always results in an actual VAT cost to a business, so it is always worthwhile to review the position regularly.  Exemption is not a relief to a business.

  • Attribution

In both BNB and partial exemption situations before considering overheads all VAT must, as far as possible, be attributed to either taxable or exempt and non-business activities. This in itself is a form of apportionment and it is often not clear how the supply received has been used by a business, that is; of which activity is it a cost component?

  • Business entertainment

At certain events staff may attend along with other guests who are not employed. The recovery of input tax in respect of staff entertainment is recoverable but (generally) entertaining non staff members is blocked. Therefore an apportionment of the VAT incurred on such entertainment is required.

  • Business and private use of an asset

If a company owns, say, a yacht or a helicopter and uses it for a director’s own private use, but it is chartered to third parties when not being used (business use) an apportionment must be made between the two activities. The most usual way of doing this is on a time basis. Apportionment will also be required in the example of a business owning a holiday home used for both business and private purposes. Input tax relating to private (non-business) use is always blocked.

  • Motoring expenses

It is common for a staff member to use a car for both business and private purposes.  Input tax is only recoverable in respect of the business use so an apportionment is required.  This may be done by keeping detailed mileage records, or more simply by applying the Road Fuel Scale Charge which is a set figure per month which represents a disallowance for private use.

The above examples are not exhaustive but I hope they give a flavour to the subject.

If your business apportions, or should apportion, values for either income or expenditure I strongly recommend a review on the method.  There is often no “right answer” for an apportionment and I often find that HMRC impose unnecessarily harsh demands on a taxpayer.  Additionally, many business are unaware of alternatives or are resistant to challenging HMRC even when they have a good case.

VAT – How to apply for a non-statutory clearance

By   16 December 2020

One would think that it would be a relatively straightforward matter to write to HMRC to obtain a ruling (non-stat clearance) on a matter. Surely a taxpayer ought to be able to set out the issue, describe the transaction, provide a tax analysis and ask HMRC whether they consider the proposed VAT treatment appropriate. Well, of course, it is not as simple as that (this is VAT after all).

So, what are the issues and what hurdles must be cleared before HMRC engage with a written query?


First, there is a checklist which a business must consider and include in a non-stat clearance. Inter alia, this list includes:

  • Information about the transaction(s)
  • The reasons why the business is undertaking the transaction
  • The relevant facts about the transaction, set out chronologically as transaction steps,
  • The answer sought – set out your view of the tax consequences of the transaction
  • Any details that are contingent, eg; on future events or the consent of others
  • Information about commercial background
  • Explain the significance of the tax result in achieving the desired outcome
  • Explain why you chose this form of transaction over another that could achieve the same commercial result, where you have considered alternative forms
  • Information about legal points
  • Outline the specific legislation at issue
  • Why you believe the application of the legislation is open to possible different interpretations, summary of those different interpretations, and why the tax consequences are uncertain, including reference to our published guidance or to case law
  • Any legal advice you have already received, and you are content to disclose
  • Details of how you intend to use the clearance, such as for public documents
  • Information about the disclosure of a tax avoidance scheme that covers all or part of the transaction

Failure to address any items on the checklist usually means no determination will be forthcoming.

An applicant must also set out what HMRC guidance (including internal guidance) legislation, case law and other information has been considered. We find it helpful to reproduce the full checklist (as HMRC advise) and provide a comprehensive response to each point in order to avoid a straightforward refusal to respond.

Genuine uncertainty

One of the main reasons HMRC refuses to provide a non-stat clearance is that it considers that there is no genuine uncertainty; in other words, “go and look at the guidance”. This is very unhelpful after time and effort, and fees cost has gone into the application. The fact that an application is required to set out what guidance etc has been considered, and why it is ambiguous in the relevant circumstances does not seem to carry very much weight. I find it is unhelpful to say, “if it wasn’t uncertain, we wouldn’t be writing to you”! We recommend that a full explanation of the genuine uncertainty is provided to forestall such a HMRC refusal to reply.


Experience insists that it is difficult to obtain a non-stat clearance which is of any value. Quite often, HMRC will reply saying that their letter is not a non-stat clearance, but then go on to address (at least) some of the issues. This sometimes provides a degree of comfort. An approach that I sometimes adopt is to say, “we believe this to be the correct VAT treatment, and one we will apply to the transaction unless you advise otherwise with reasons”. This sometimes creates a reaction.

HMRC guidance

Details of obtaining a non-stat clearance here.


I find that applications are looked at quicker if they are emailed: nonstatutoryclearanceteam.hmrc@hmrc.gsi.gov.uk. However, there is a 2mb size limit which is often unhelpful. If emailing, an applicant should state that you confirm that you understand and accept the risks involved in using email (otherwise this can cause delays).

Postal address

HM Revenue & Customs, Non-Statutory Clearance Team, S0563. 5th Floor, Saxon House, 1 Causeway Lane, Leicester , LE1 4AA

What HMRC will not rule on

  • Incomplete information
  • When there is no genuine uncertainty
  • When they consider it planning advice, or approval of a planning arrangements
  • HMRC believes that the intention is to avoid tax
  • There is a statutory clearance applicable to the transaction
  • Whether activities constitute a business
  • Whether a transaction represents a Transfer Of a Going Concern (TOGC).


Even if a business does obtain a determination, is it possible to rely on it? The answer is no (well, not always). I consider this here.


It is understandable that a business wants certainty on a transaction, and it ought to be able to rely on HMRC for confirmation of its own analysis, but obtaining such an opinion is fraught with difficulties, frustrations and (genuine) uncertainty. It seems that HMRC will go to lengths to avoid giving a decision, but they are not reticent in penalising a taxpayer once a business has made a decision, applied it, and HMRC subsequently disagree with the VAT analysis.

A wholly unacceptable situation.

VAT: Exporting and importing businesses -prepare for Brexit

By   8 December 2020

New rules from 1 January 2021.

GOV.UK has published new guidance from the Department for International Trade.

The guidance sets out what a business will need to do 1 January 2021. It will be updated if anything changes.

It covers:

The UK Global Tariff

Find a commodity code

Check tariffs

Trade agreements

Exporting to and importing from the EU

Exporting to and importing from non-EU countries

Import controls and customs

Trade remedies

All business with goods crossing the new border will need to understand and prepare for the changes.

A VAT Did you know?

By   30 October 2020

Latest from the courts.

The rolls used in Subway’s hot sandwiches are not bread. According to a recent ruling by Ireland’s Supreme Court, because of the high level of sugar in the rolls, they cannot be taxed as bread, so the VAT zero rate cannot apply.

VAT: Post Brexit UK Tariffs

By   15 October 2020

Further to my recent article on the Border Operating Model, we now know what Tariffs the UK will apply.

Currently, goods are able to move from country to country inside the EU completely Tariff free. This means that there is no need for import and export formalities which add delays and red tape. Unfortunately, as a result of Brexit, from 1 January 2021, EU/UK trade will be subject to Tariffs as the UK will be a “third country” (third country refers to any country outside the EU, and in this case outside its economic structures – the single market and the customs union).

Commercially, Tariffs add to the cost of importing goods into the UK by UK businesses and increase the price of exports to overseas customers. It is not possible to reclaim the cost of Tariffs (unlike VAT) so these will always represent a real cost to a buyer. The government has now announced what the UK Tariffs will be here.


The UK has broadly retained the existing Tariff for goods brought into the EU from third countries. However, there are some changes for; important industrial components (nuts, bolts, tubes and screws etc) some consumer products, the removal of Tariffs below 2% and the rounding of Tariffs with a decimal point.


Businesses should review their exposure to these tariffs and what the related customs duty burden will be. They will also need to consider; budgets, pricing and alternative business structures – which may include manufacturing in the EU rather than the UK. We also recommend reviewing Commodity Codes, values for Customs Duties and the origin of the goods. Please also note that the use of incoterms will become increasingly important.

VAT: New guidance on the border with the EU post-Brexit

By   14 October 2020

This month the government have issued new guidance: The Border with the European Union Importing and Exporting Goods on the Border Operating Model. This provides comprehensive guidance on the movement of goods from 1 January 2021 and adds to previous guidance.

This is important information for any business moving goods between GB, the EU and NI and needs to be considered for tax planning and general preparation for Brexit. These rules will likely come into force regardless of whether the UK has negotiated an agreement with the EU.

The introduction comes in three stages:

  • Stage One – January 2021
  • Stage Two – April 2021
  • Stage Three – July 2021

Stage One

Business will need to:

  • understand the requirements of EU Member States. The necessary processes must have been done and documentation completed to comply with these requirements
  • obtain a GB EORI number to move goods to or from the UK
  • if undertaking any EU customs processes, businesses will need an EU EORI
  • importers; check which goods are on the controlled goods list- if they are on the controlled goods list, a full customs declaration is required
  • if importing non-controlled goods, decide whether to delay the customs declaration for up to six months or complete full customs declarations on import
  • decide how to complete customs formalities: Most businesses are expected to use a customs intermediary
  • consider obtaining a Duty Deferment Account (DDA). A DDA allows holders to delay customs duty, excise duty and import duty, to be paid once a month rather than on individual consignments
  • check to see if a facilitation would be of benefit. There are a number of facilitations, including the Common Transit Convention
  • if importing live animals or high-priority plants, business needs to be prepared for submitting additional documentation and checks taking place at point of destination
  • exporters; be prepared to submit customs export declarations
  • hauliers; be ready to use the “Check an HGV is ready” service

Stage Two

If businesses are importing Products of Animal Origin (POAO) or a regulated plant and plant product; they will need to:

  • to submit pre-notification and the relevant health documentation

Stage Three

Businesses must:

  • meet full customs requirements including submitting declarations, regardless of whether it is a controlled or a non-controlled good
  • pay VAT and excise duty where necessary
  • submit safety and security declarations
  • be prepared for customs compliance checks either at port or an inland site
  • be prepared for relevant SPS goods to enter GB via a Border Control Post either at port or an inland site, accompanied by sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) documentary requirements


From 1 January 2021

  • Customs Declarations – Importers and exporters will have to complete UK and EU customs declarations after the end of the transition period. Some locations will require pre-lodgement of customs declarations prior to the movement of goods, which will particularly affect ‘roll on-roll off’ (RoRo) movements
  • Customs Duties – Importers will need to ensure that any customs duties applicable to their goods under the new UK Global Tariff are paid. Importers will need to determine the origin, classification and customs value of their goods. There are options available to defer any payment that is due
  • VAT will be levied on imports of goods from the EU, following the same rates and structures as are applied to Rest of World (RoW) imports. VAT registered importers will be able to use postponed VAT accounting. Non-VAT registered importers have the same options available to report and pay import VAT as they do for customs duties

Businesses will need to review their processes for dealing with cross-border goods, both between the EU and Northern Ireland. This includes; customs declarations, compliance, provision of data, obtaining a duty deferment account and GB/EU EORI numbers as necessary. We also advise liaising with suppliers and customers to ensure, as far as possible, that transactions are as seamless as possible in these challenging times.

Ten Questions every business should ask about VAT

By   14 October 2020

1. Am I sure that a VAT inspection would not find any errors?  

  • An inspection can result in significant assessments, penalties and interest, apart from a business becoming “known” to HMRC. Peace of mind is a valuable benefit for a business owner too!

 2. Am I sure that I am reclaiming as much VAT as possible?

  • We often find that businesses miss out on recovering input tax, this clearly results in an actual cost.

 3. Do I take full advantage all available VAT reliefs, customs exemptions and duty refund schemes? 

  • Failure to do so will create a tax cost and may be putting a business in a less competitive position.

4. Am I up to date on the indirect tax developments in my key markets?

  • Indirect tax changes rapidly, and so does the market place. Being unaware of changes that affect you may result in VAT being overpaid, or penalties being levied if you have underdeclared tax. It may also put you at a competitive disadvantage.

5. Have I considered the impact of tax rate changes on my pricing and margin, and have I taken the necessary measures?

  • Budgeting is affected by VAT.  Failure to consider indirect taxes may eat into profit.

6. Do I collect all the data about my customers and transactions that could be required by tax authorities?

  • As in many VAT circumstances, getting it wrong or missing something results in penalties.

7. Do I comply with all indirect tax requirements in the jurisdictions where I operate or where my customers belong?

  • VAT and GST does exist outside the UK and ignoring overseas indirect tax obligations may result in action being taken by foreign authorities which will prove to be very uncomfortable and expensive.  It is important to understand the rules for indirect tax in each country/area you trade. Don’t get caught out.

8. Do I have the tools to analyse my indirect tax flows and data?

  • Allocating sufficient technical and human resources to VAT is important.  Seeking professional advice at the appropriate time is also prudent.

9. Could changes in the way my business is structured or how transactions are organised improve my indirect tax position and/or reduce complexity?

  • Saving money and reducing tax complications must be near the top of every business’ wish list. Seeking professional advice on structuring a business or a transaction goes a long way to achieving this

10. Is my business using the right VAT scheme?

  • There are many special schemes that a business may use, from the Flat Rate Scheme to Margin Schemes. Most are optional, but some, like the Tour Operators’ Margin Scheme are compulsory. Choose the wrong one, or being unaware of a beneficial scheme could cost.

It is important to constantly monitor a business’ VAT position.  The nature of trade changes, technology changes, case law changes and the VAT rules are constantly in a state of flux.  It is easy to assume that everything is alright because it has always been done that way, but there may be significant exposures and missed opportunities out there.  Things will also change once the terms of Brexit have been agreed (or not). We offer services from a basic healthcheck to a full technical review.  A review will let you rest easy in your bed if nothing else!

VAT: Brexit latest

By   23 June 2020

The European Commission (EC) has published an updated Notice to Stakeholders which covers the UK leaving the EU.

The original document which was published in 2018 has been amended to reflect the latest developments which mainly include the official Brexit on 1 February 2020 and the current transition period, which, as matters stand, will end on 31 December 2020. Until that date, EU law in its entirety applies to the UK

The Notice includes:

  • The legal position from 1 January 2021
  • VAT rules for cross-border services
  • The VAT General Rule
  • MOSS
  • Refunds of VAT
  • Separation provisions of the Withdrawal Agreement
  • The supply of other services
  • Refund requests relating to VAT paid before the end of the transition period

The Notice states that; “…during the transition period, the EU and the UK will negotiate an agreement on a new partnership, providing notably for a free trade area. However, it is not certain whether such an agreement will be concluded and will enter into force at the end of the transition period”. I think that this is likely to be a charitable conclusion!

The EC advises businesses:

  • when they are established in the EU, to familiarise themselves with the rules applicable to services supplied to and received from third countries (which the UK will become from 1 January 2021)
  • when they are established in the UK, to examine whether new liability rules will apply to them with regard to their services supplied in the EU
  • to take the necessary steps in respect of services covered by MOSS
  • consider the changes in the VAT refund request procedures

The Notice does not cover the supply of goods nor digital services themself.


After the end of the transition period, the EU rules on VAT for services no longer apply to, and in, the UK. This has, particular consequences for the treatment of taxable transactions in services and VAT.

Businesses need to understand the probable changes and make preparations for a No-Deal Brexit.

VAT: Coronavirus latest – correction of errors

By   9 April 2020

Correcting errors on your VAT Return

HMRC have announced that, due to coronavirus, it will no longer be accepting paper copies of VAT652s by post.

If an error is discovered on a past VAT return it is  necessary to report it to HMRC on form VAT652 if it is £10,000 (net of all errors) or more of VAT. More details here


A business must now email its VAT652 form to:


A business can call to check HMRC has received its error correction notification if it has not had an acknowledgement after 21 days.

Errors cannot be corrected over the phone.

Telephone: 0300 200 3700

This is said to be a temporary measure, but I cannot see why HMRC would revert to a paper based system when the virus poses less of a threat.

Remember: stay in!