Tag Archives: VAT-reduced-rate

VAT – Fuel and power guidance updated

By   11 February 2025

HMRC has updated its notice Updated its Notice 701/19: Fuel and power.

The Notice explains how suppliers and users should treat supplies of fuel and power for VAT purposes and it sets out how to treat a number of other supplies connected with fuel and power.

The update provides more detail of supplies for domestic use.

Supplies of fuel and power for domestic use are eligible for the reduced rate of 5%.

The provider must be certain that the supply is to a dwelling or certain types of residential accommodation. Examples of allowed residential accommodation are:

  • armed forces residential accommodation
  • caravans
  • children’s homes
  • homes providing care for the elderly or disabled, people with a past or present dependence on alcohol or drugs or people with a past or present mental disorder
  • houseboats
  • houses, flats or other dwellings
  • hospices
  • institutions that are the sole or main residence of at least 90% of their residents
  • monasteries, nunneries and similar religious communities
  • school and university residential accommodation for students or pupils
  • self catering holiday accommodation

The following buildings are not considered residential accommodation for the purposes of fuel and power:

  • hospitals
  • prisons or similar establishments
  • hotels, inns or similar establishments

Extension of VAT energy-saving materials relief

By   22 January 2024

HMRC have published a new Policy Paper on the extension of energy-saving materials (ESMs).

Installations of ESMs in residential accommodation currently benefit from a temporary VAT zero rate until 31 March 2027, after which they revert to the reduced rate of VAT at 5%.

This measure extends the relief to installations of ESMs in buildings used solely for relevant charitable purposes, such as village halls or similar recreational facilities for a local community.

It also expands the scope of the relief to the following technologies:

  • electrical batteries that store electricity generated by certain ESMs and from the National Grid
  • water-source heat pumps
  • diverters that enable excess electricity from certain ESMs to be used within a building in which it is generated rather than exported to the grid

It also adds certain preparatory groundworks that are necessary for the installation of ground- and water-source heat pumps.

The changes apply from 1 February 2024

The policy objective is to incentivise the installation of ESMs across the UK to improve energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions.

The measures are implemented by The Value Added Tax (Installation of Energy-Saving Materials) Order 2024.

VAT: Updated Fuel & Power Notice 701/19

By   16 May 2023

HMRC has updated this Notice to reflect the new de minimis limits (para 6.1.1).


VAT: Recovering input tax on the charging of EVs

By   24 April 2023

Following my last article on charging Electric Vehicles (EVs) I have been asked about the rules on recovering VAT incurred by a business on such costs.

The current rules are:

VAT incurred by businesses when charging EVs can be recovered on the business use of those vehicles, where they are charged at work or at public charging premises.

A business can also recover the VAT for charging EVs if it is a sole proprietor or a partner in a partnership business, and it charges the EV for business purposes at home.

A business must calculate how much of the cost of charging its EV is for business use and how much is for private use by keeping mileage records. The normal input tax rules then apply.

If an employee charges an EV (whether a company vehicle or not) at a public charging point, the supply of electricity is made to the company or employer. The business can recover the VAT on the cost of charging the electric vehicle, subject to the normal rules.

Again, the employer must keep detailed mileage records to calculate how much of the charging cost is used for business and private purposes.

However, where an employee charges an EV (whether a company vehicle or not) at home, the overall supply of electricity is made to the employee and not the employer. The employer is not entitled to recover the VAT on the cost of charging the electric vehicle.

NB: We understand that HMRC’s view on this may be soon be challenged.

Current developments

  • HMRC is currently reviewing the situation where an employee is reimbursed by the employer for the actual cost of electricity used in charging an electric vehicle for business purposes.
  • The Department is considering other simplification measures that may reduce administrative burdens in terms of accounting for VAT on private use.
  • The VAT rate applicable to public charging is 20%. We are aware that there could be a legal challenge to this and that the appropriate rate should be 5% (for all forms of EV charging). The reduced rate of VAT currently only applies to supplies of electricity to a person’s property which is less than 1,000 kilowatt-hours a month.

Hybrid cars are treated as either petrol or diesel cars for VAT purposes. The rules on input tax for petrol and diesel vehicles are here.


VAT: Fuel and Power Notice updated

By   4 October 2022

HMRC Guidance: Fuel and power (VAT Notice 701/19)

This Notice has recently been updated. It now covers the VAT Reverse Charge measures for wholesale gas and electricity and construction services (Section 2) . There is more information about wholesale gas and electricity and using the VAT domestic Reverse Charge at section 3 of Notice 735: Domestic reverse charge procedure (VAT Notice 735).

Sections 4.1 and 4.3 now include more detail about hydrogen gas.

Brief overview

The reduced rate of VAT of 5% applies to supplies of fuel and power for qualifying use.

Qualifying use means:

  • fuel and power for domestic use
  • fuel and power for charity non-business use
  • fuel and power where the amount supplied does not exceed the small quantities, called the de minimis limits
  • fuel and power partly for qualifying use and partly for other purposes, where 60% or more of the supply is for qualifying use

Other supplies of fuel and power in the UK are standard rated.

New VAT rate for hospitality

By   13 August 2021

A reminder that a new VAT rate of 12.5% comes into force on 1 October 2021.

This is the first time this rate has been used and affected businesses should ensure that they are prepared.

The government announced on 8 July 2020 that it intended to legislate to apply a temporary 5% reduced rate of VAT to certain supplies relating to certain hospitality, supplies.

The reduced rate was initially introduced to last for a temporary period between 15 July 2020 and 12 January 2021. This period was subsequently extended to 31 March 2021.

The government then announced at Budget 2021 that the temporary reduced rate will be extended for a further six-month period at 5% until 30 September 2021.

A new reduced rate of 12.5% will then be introduced which will end on 31 March 2022. The scope of the relief will remain unchanged.

From 1 April 2022 the usual 20% standard rate will apply, unless there are further government concessions.

The 12.5% applies to

  • hospitality: supplies in the course of catering including supplies of hot and cold food and drink to be consumed on the premises and supplies of hot takeaway food and drink to be consumed off the premises
  • accommodation: the provision of hotel and holiday accommodation, pitch fees for caravan parks and tents and related facilities
  • attractions: admission to attractions not covered by the cultural exemption.

The VAT Fractions

This is used to calculate the VAT element of a VAT inclusive figure.

5% = 1/21

12.5% = 1/9

20% = 1/6


If a deposit is received, output tax will be calculated on the VAT rate in place at the time the deposit is received.

Other Issues

If a business supplies hospitality services and goods, but also makes sales not covered by the new rate, eg; alcohol, it must be able to identify the values at the different rates.

Does your accounting package have a defined 12.5% tax rate? It may be necessary to add this new rate to your software package.

VAT: Budget 2021 – hospitality, holiday accommodation and attractions

By   4 March 2021

Further to my articles here and here the government have announced further measures for hospitality, holiday accommodation and tourist attractions.

These measures introduce

  • an extension to the temporary reduced rate of VAT (5%) for a further 6 month period until 30 September 2021. A new reduced rate of will then be introduced until 31 March 2022.
  • a new reduced rate of 12.5% will then be introduced which will end on 31 March 2022.


These changes are aimed at supporting the reopening of the economy following the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic and help to re-establish habits such as eating out in restaurants.

The measures will help to protect an estimated 2.4 million jobs in these industries.

VAT: Digital newspapers zero-rated. The News Corp case

By   10 January 2020

Latest from the courts

Hot on the heels of the update to e-publications here comes new from the Upper Tribunal (UT) in the News Corp UK and Ireland Ltd case.


The issue was whether electronic editions of The Times (plus other e-newspapers from the same company: The Sunday Times, The Sun and The Sun on Sunday) were “newspapers” within the meaning of The VAT Act 1994, Schedule 8, Group 3, Item 2  and could therefore be treated as zero rated.

The relevant part of Schedule 8, Group 3 (where relevant), lists the following items:

“1 Books, booklets, brochures, pamphlets and leaflets.

2 Newspapers, journals and periodicals…”,

At the First Tier Tribunal (FTT) the appeal was dismissed, and the decision went in favour of HMRC. Details here. The facts were consistent throughout both hearings.


The UT agreed with the FTT in that there was no material difference between the two types of supply despite the sale of e-newspapers being supplies of services and the sale of physical newspapers being supplies of goods.

That being the case, it was possible to interpret Schedule 8, Group 3. Item 2 as extending to e-publications, which, of course, did not exist when the legislation was drafted in 1972. Consequently, the appeal was allowed, and the e-newspapers were zero rated. Such treatment did not extend the scope of UK zero rating which would not be permitted by the EU.

The UT also indicated that the zero rating would be subject to some restrictions in respect of what may be treated as e-publications.

It was observed that it is important that the legislation should be interpreted in a way that maintained its relevance and that the “always speaking” * principle is preserved.


The EC European Council (EC) has previously agreed to allow Member States to apply reduced VAT rates to electronic publications. This UT case appears to confirm that this will extend to UK zero rating. Other Members States have already applied reduced rates or are in the process of doing so. The UK have not previously announced its approach, so this decision is likely to force their hand (notwithstanding the fallout from Brexit…).


Supplies or e-publications should review their sales and decide whether their supplies are on fours with this case. If so, it may be possible to make a retrospective claim for overpaid output tax, subject to certain conditions.

Recipients of such supplies should consider approaching their suppliers and obtain a repayment of overpaid VAT if it represents a cost to them.

  • “Always speaking” is an influential principle that is recited in materials on legislative drafting as the justification for using the present tense, adopted in many common law jurisdictions as a principle of interpretation, and accepted as a foundation for the linguistic analysis of the use of tense in statutes. It is particularly relevant where technology has outpaced the law.

VAT: e-publications – New reduced rates

By   8 January 2020


Further to my article on the ongoing issue of e-books, in October 2018, the European Council (EC) agreed to allow Member States to apply reduced VAT rates to electronic publications (eg; e-books and e-newspapers) thereby allowing alignment of VAT rates for electronic and physical publications. The reasoning was for the EC to modernise VAT for the digital economy, and to keep pace with technological progress.

Under Directive 2006/112/EC, electronically supplied services are taxed at the standard VAT rate, whereas physical publications of the dead tree variety; books, newspapers and periodicals, benefit from non-standard rates in many Member States – these goods being zero rated in the UK and around 5% or below in other countries.

Amendments to the Directive allowed Member States to apply reduced VAT rates to electronic publications as well. Super-reduced and zero rates will only be allowed for Member States that currently apply them to physical publications.

The new rules will apply temporarily, pending the introduction of a new, ‘definitive’ VAT system. The EC has issued proposals for the new system, which would allow member states more flexibility than at present in setting VAT rates.

New rates

Some Member States have now introduced reduced rates:

Austria 10%, from 1 January 2020

Belgium 6%, from 1 April 2019

Croatia 5%, from 1 January 2019

Czech Republic new 10% rate from 1 May 2020

Finland: 10% from 1 July 2019

Germany 7%, from 1 January 2020

Ireland 9%, from 1 January 2019

Luxembourg 3%, from 1 May 2019

Malta 5%, from 1 January 2019

The Netherlands 9%, from 1 January 2020

Poland 5%, from 1 November 2019

Portugal 6%, from 1 January 2019

Slovenia 5% from 1 January 2020

Sweden: 6%, from 1 July 2019

It is anticipated that the remaining Member States are likely to introduce reduced rates in the future. The UK, being subject to Brexit, is in a more complicated position. If the UK brought e-publications in line with the VAT treatment of physical publications, it would apply the zero rate. However, the current EU legislation prevents any introduction of new zero rating. As matters stand, the UK may only apply the zero rate after an exit from the EU.

Watch this space…