Tag Archives: vat-relief

VAT: Time to pay guidance updated

By   18 February 2025

HMRC’s guidance: How to pay a debt to HMRC with a Time to Pay arrangement was updated on 17 February 2025. This covers businesses which owe a debt to the department.

The updates cover:

  • Information about when a payment plan can be set up without contacting HMRC has been added.
  • Section ‘How we work out debt repayments’ has been removed as the information is covered in the section
  • Information to work out what businesses can afford to pay has been updated in the section ‘How we work out what you can afford to pay’.

If a business owes VAT

It can set up a payment plan to spread the cost of its latest VAT bill online without calling HMRC if it:

  • has missed the deadline to pay a VAT bill
  • owes £100,000 or less
  • plan to pay its debt off within the next 12 months
  • has a debt for an accounting period that started in 2023 or later
  • does not have any other payment plans or debts with HMRC
  • has filed all your tax returns

More information here: set up a payment plan online.

How to contact HMRC to discuss a Time to Pay arrangement

If a business cannot pay its tax bill and needs assistance (ie; the online arrangements above are not applicable) we recommend that it should contact HMRC as soon as possible.


VAT: Input tax claims – alternative evidence

By   12 February 2025

What can be used to make a claim?

It is well known that in order to claim input tax on expenditure a business is required to have a valid tax invoice to support it. But what if there is no VAT invoice? Can HMRC accept any other evidence to support a claim? Well, the answer is yes… sometimes.

HMRC has discretion provided by legislation: VAT Regulations 1995/2518 Reg 29(2). Specifically, the wording most relevant here is “…such other documentary evidence of the charge to VAT as the Commissioners may direct.” Broadly, a business must hold the correct evidence before being able to exercise the right to deduct.

Where claims to deduct VAT are not supported by a valid VAT invoice HMRC staff are required to consider whether there is satisfactory alternative evidence of the taxable supply available to support deduction. HMRC staff should not simply refuse a claim without giving reasonable consideration to such evidence. HMRC has a duty to ensure that taxpayers pay no more tax than is properly due. However, this obligation is balanced against a duty to protect the public revenue.

Full details of tax invoices here.

What HMRC consider

HMRC staff are required to work through the following checklist:

  • Does the business have alternative documentary evidence other than an invoice (for example a supplier statement)?
  • Does the business have evidence of receipt of a taxable supply on which VAT has been charged?
  • Does the business have evidence of payment?
  • Does the business have evidence of how the goods/services have been consumed or evidence regarding their onward supply?
  • How did the business know the supplier existed?
  • How was the business relationship with the supplier established? For example: How was contact made?
  • Does the business know where the supplier operates from (have staff visited?)
  • How did the business contact them?
  • How does the business know the supplier can supply the goods or services?
  • If goods, how does the business know they are not stolen?
  • How does the business return faulty supplies?


If the responses to the above tests are credible, HMRC staff should exercise their discretion to allow the taxpayer to deduct the input tax. Overall, HMRC is required to be satisfied that sufficient evidence is held by the business which demonstrates that VAT has been paid on a taxable supply of goods or services received by that business and which were used by that business for its taxable activities

Challenge HMRC’s decision

A business may only challenge HMRC’s decision not to allow a claim (did not exercise its discretion) if it acted in an unfair or unreasonable way. In these cases, the onus is on the taxpayer to demonstrate that HMRC have been unreasonable in not using the available discretion. This is quite often a difficult thing to do.

Case law

Not surprisingly, there is significant case law on this subject. The most relevant and recent being the Upper Tribunal (UT) cases of James Boyce Scandico Ltdv and Wasteaway Shropshire Limited.


If possible, always obtain a proper tax invoice from a supplier, and don’t lose it! The level of evidence required when no invoice is held usually depends on the value of the claim. There would be a difference between persuading an inspector that £20 input tax on stationery is recoverable and the claiming of £200,000 VAT on a property purchase is permissible. As always in VAT, if you get it wrong and claim VAT without the appropriate evidence there is likely to be a penalty to pay.

If you, or your clients are in dispute with HMRC on input tax claims, please contact us.

VAT – Fuel and power guidance updated

By   11 February 2025

HMRC has updated its notice Updated its Notice 701/19: Fuel and power.

The Notice explains how suppliers and users should treat supplies of fuel and power for VAT purposes and it sets out how to treat a number of other supplies connected with fuel and power.

The update provides more detail of supplies for domestic use.

Supplies of fuel and power for domestic use are eligible for the reduced rate of 5%.

The provider must be certain that the supply is to a dwelling or certain types of residential accommodation. Examples of allowed residential accommodation are:

  • armed forces residential accommodation
  • caravans
  • children’s homes
  • homes providing care for the elderly or disabled, people with a past or present dependence on alcohol or drugs or people with a past or present mental disorder
  • houseboats
  • houses, flats or other dwellings
  • hospices
  • institutions that are the sole or main residence of at least 90% of their residents
  • monasteries, nunneries and similar religious communities
  • school and university residential accommodation for students or pupils
  • self catering holiday accommodation

The following buildings are not considered residential accommodation for the purposes of fuel and power:

  • hospitals
  • prisons or similar establishments
  • hotels, inns or similar establishments

VAT penalties and surcharges – time limits for appeals. The Excel case

By   10 February 2025

Latest from the courts

The recent Xcel Consult Limited First-Tier Tribunal (FTT) case serves as a reminder on the tight time limits for appealing against VAT penalties and surcharges.

The VAT Act 1994 Section 83G sets out a statutory time limit for bringing appeals in respect of VAT penalties and surcharges of the kind in question in this case. An appeal is to be made to the tribunal before the end of the period of 30 days beginning with the date of the document notifying the decision to which the appeal relates.

Section 83G(6) provides that an appeal may be made after the expiry of the statutory period if the Tribunal gives permission. In deciding whether to give permission to allow the late appeal, the three-stage test set out in Maitland is applied. These tests are:

(1) establish the length of the delay and whether it is serious and/or significant

(2) establish the reason or reasons why the delay occurred

(3) evaluate all the circumstances of the case, using a balancing exercise to assess the merits of the reason(s) given for the delay and the prejudice which would be caused to both parties by granting or refusing permission, and in doing so take into account “the particular importance of the need for litigation to be conducted efficiently and at proportionate cost, and for statutory time limits to be respected”.


Our advice is to always respond within the 30 day limit, as relying on an out of time appeal can be risky. If that is not possible, an appeal should be submitted asap to ensure that test 1) above is not a reason to reject a submission.

A VAT Did you know?

By   29 January 2025

Children’s clothing is zero rated. But where a child has one foot larger than the other, the pair of shoes can be zero-rated if the smaller shoe qualifies as a child’s size (boys 6 1/2 and girls; generally, size 3).

New HMRC publications: VAT on cladding remediation work

By   6 January 2025

In the aftermath of the horrific Grenfell fire, a lot of buildings require unsafe cladding to be replaced.

A new Brief clarifies HMRC’s policy on the deduction of VAT incurred on cladding remediation works which are carried out on existing residential buildings. It sets out:

  • the reason VAT costs are incurred when carrying out remediation works to residential buildings with fire and safety defects
  • the circumstances in which the VAT incurred in providing remediation works can be recovered

Broadly, the distinction is whether the work qualifies as snagging. If it does, the VAT treatment follows the liability of the original building work – zero rated if the original construction was of a zero-rated new residential building, ie; they are supplied in the course of construction of a qualifying building.

If not snagging, the remedial work will be standard rated.

If the work is standard rated, it may be recoverable by the recipient in certain circumstances.


HMRC’s definition of snagging is the carrying out of remedial works to correct faulty workmanship or replace faulty materials”.  Normally, it is carried out by the original developer under the terms of the original contract. This means it is not seen as a separate supply of construction services. Snagging covers faults that are:

  • found soon after the building is completed
  • still covered by the building contract

More details on snagging here.

Furthermore, HMRC has published Guidelines for Compliance GfC11. This guidance covers HMRC’s existing policy on the VAT treatment of remedial works and includes:

  • the definition of snagging
  • an explanation of when you can recover input tax
  • examples to help you work out the VAT treatment of remedial works
  • examples of documents and evidence you should keep
  • information about correcting a submitted return

HMRC state that its policy has not changed.

How to apply for a VAT Partial Exemption Special Method

By   6 January 2025

Partial Exemption

Businesses which makes exempt supplies may be partially exempt (depending on the de minimis limits). A partially exempt business will be prohibited from claiming all of its input tax. A calculation is required to determine the amount of a claim which is blocked. The majority of businesses use what is known as “the standard method” with an annual adjustment.

Partial Exemption Special Method (PESM)

However, use of the standard method is not mandatory and a business can use a “special method” (a Partial Exemption Special Method, or PESM) that suits a business’ activities better. Any PESM has to be “fair and reasonable” and it has to be agreed with HMRC in advance. When using a PESM no rounding of the percentage is permitted and it has to be applied to two decimal places.

HMRC says fair and reasonable means it must be:

  • robust, in that it can cope with reasonably foreseeable changes in business
  • unambiguous, in that it can deal, definitively with all input tax likely to be incurred
  • operable, in that the business can apply it without undue difficulty
  • auditable, in that HMRC can check it without undue difficulty
  • fair, in that it reflects the economic use of costs in making taxable and exempt supplies

Types of PESMs

The following are examples of special methods:

  • sectors and sub-sectors
  • multi pot
  • time spent
  • headcount
  • values
  • number of transactions
  • floor space
  • cost accounting system
  • pro-rata
  • combinations of the above methods

How to apply

You will need to provide documents with your application. These include:

More information on the documentation a business needs provide is set out in Appendix 2 of PN706  

Apply online

You will need to either:

  • sign in with your Government Gateway user ID and password (if you do not have a user ID, you can create one when you first try to sign in)
  • use your email address to get a confirmation code that you can use to sign in

This is done here

A glossary of partial exemption terms may be found here.

VAT: Updated HMRC guidance on exemption for healthcare supplies

By   23 December 2024

HMRC has published new guidance in its internal manual VATHLT2035.

It covers the services of the medical and paramedical professions: Anaesthesia Associates and Physician Associates.

Regulation for Anaesthesia Associates (AAs) and Physician Associates (PAs) came into effect on 13 December 2024. A full registration is required by December 2026. The exemption will only apply to the AAs and PAs that have joined from the date of registration.

Anaesthesia Associates

AAs are specialised practitioners trained to perform certain medical procedures related to anaesthesia under the supervision of qualified medical personnel. They are not doctors but play a crucial role in the healthcare system by assisting in the administration of anaesthesia and monitoring patients during surgical procedures. AAs are authorised to perform specific procedures they are trained and approved for. They will be regulated by the General Medical Council (GMC). Their services will be exempt from VAT, provided they are carried out for the purpose of medical care.

Physician Associates

PAs are healthcare professionals who support doctors in diagnosing and managing patients. They are trained to perform various medical procedures and provide care under the supervision of doctors. PAs are not doctors but are essential members of the multidisciplinary healthcare team, enhancing the capacity of healthcare services. They are meant to supplement, not replace, the role of doctors. Their services will be exempt from VAT, provided they are carried out for the purpose of medical care.

The exemption is via The VAT Act 1994, Schedule 9, Group 7.

A VAT Did you know?

By   20 December 2024

In or out?

If a biscuit is covered, even partially, in chocolate the VAT is 20%, but if the chocolate is inside, say a choc chip cookie or a bourbon, it is VAT free.

VAT on private school fees – new webinar

By   16 December 2024

HMRC have released a recorded webinar about VAT on private school fees — what you need to do, and when and how to register.

It covers:

  • if you should register for VAT as an education provider
  • when you should register for VAT
  • how to register for VAT
  • what you need to charge VAT on
  • how and what to reclaim VAT on