Under one VAT scheme, zero-rated and exempt supplies are subject to VAT – as are those which are “Outside the scope of UK VAT”.
Which, or course, makes entire sense.
Under one VAT scheme, zero-rated and exempt supplies are subject to VAT – as are those which are “Outside the scope of UK VAT”.
Which, or course, makes entire sense.
The subject of invoices is often misunderstood and can create serious issues if mistakes are made. VAT is a transaction tax, so primary evidence of the transaction is of utmost importance. Also, a claim for input tax is usually not valid unless it is supported by an original valid invoice. HMRC can, and often do, reject input claims because of an inaccurate invoice. There are a lot of misconceptions about invoices, so, although a rather dry subject, it is very important and I thought it would be useful to have all the information in one place, so here is my guide:
Obligation to provide a VAT invoice
With certain exceptions, a VAT registered person must provide the customer with an invoice showing specified particulars when there is a supply of goods or services in the UK (other than an exempt supply) to a taxable person.
The above does not apply to the following supplies.
• Zero-rated supplies
• Supplies where the VAT charged is excluded from credit under VATA 1994, s 25(7) eg; business entertaining and certain motor cars although a VAT invoice may be issued in such cases.
• Supplies on which VAT is charged but which are not made for a consideration. This includes gifts and private use of goods.
• Sales of second-hand goods under one of the special schemes – any invoices for such sales must not show any VAT.
• Supplies that fall within the Tour Operators’ Margin Scheme (TOMS). VAT invoices must not be issued for such supplies.
• Supplies where the customer operates a self-billing arrangement.
• Supplies by retailers unless the customer requests a VAT invoice.
• Supplies by one member to another in the same VAT group.
• Transactions between one division and another of a company registered in the names of its divisions.
• Supplies where the taxable person is entitled to issue, and does issue, invoices relating to services performed in fiscal and other warehousing regimes.
Documents treated as VAT invoices
Although not strictly VAT invoices, certain documents listed below are treated as VAT invoices either under the legislation or by HMRC.
(1) Self-billing invoices
Self-billing is an arrangement between a supplier and a customer in which the customer prepares the supplier’s invoice and forwards it to him, normally with the payment.
(2) Sales by auctioneer, bailiff, etc.
Where goods (including land) forming part of the assets of a business carried on by a taxable person are, under any power exercisable by another person, sold by that person in or towards satisfaction of a debt owed by the taxable person, the goods are deemed to be supplied by the taxable person in the course or furtherance of his business.
The particulars of the VAT chargeable on the supply must be provided on a sale by auction by the auctioneer and where the sale is otherwise than by auction by the person selling the goods. The document issued to the buyer is treated as a VAT invoice.
(3) Authenticated receipts in the construction industry.
(4) Business gifts
Where a business makes a gift of goods on which VAT is due, and the recipient uses the goods for business purposes, that person can recover the VAT as input tax (subject to the normal rules). The donor cannot issue a VAT invoice (because there is no consideration) but instead may provide the recipient with a ‘tax certificate’ which can be used as evidence to support a deduction of input tax. The tax certificate may be on normal invoicing documentation overwritten with the statement:
“Tax certificate – No payment is necessary for these goods. Output tax has been accounted for on the supply.”
Full details of the goods must be shown on the documentation and the amount of VAT shown must be the amount of output tax accounted for to HMRC.
Invoicing requirements and particulars
A VAT invoice must contain certain basic information and show the following particulars:
(a) A sequential number based on one or more series which uniquely identifies the document.
The ‘invoice number’ can be numerical, or it can be a combination of numbers and letters, as long as it forms part of a unique and sequential series.
(b) The time of the supply, ie tax point.
(c) The date of issue of the document.
(d) The name, address and registration number of the supplier.
(e) The name and address of the person to whom the goods or services are supplied.
(f) A description sufficient to identify the goods or services supplied.
(g) For each description, the quantity of the goods or extent of the services, the rate of VAT and amount payable, excluding VAT, expressed in any currency.
(h) The unit price.
This applies to ‘countable’ goods and services. For services, the countable element might be, for example, an hourly rate or a price paid for standard services. If the supply cannot be broken down into countable elements, the total VAT-exclusive price is the unit price.
(i) The gross amount payable, excluding VAT, expressed in any currency.
(j) The rate of any cash discount offered.
(k) The total amount of VAT chargeable expressed in sterling.
(l) Where the margin scheme for second-hand goods or TOMS is applied, either a reference to the appropriate provision of The VAT Act 1994 or any indication that the margin scheme has been applied.
The way in which margin scheme treatment is referenced on an invoice is a matter for the business and but we recommend:
• “This is a second-hand margin scheme supply.”
• “This supply falls under the Value Added Tax (Tour Operators) Order 1987.”
The requirement only applies to TOMS invoices in business to business transactions.
(m) Where a VAT invoice relates in whole or in part to a supply where the person supplied is liable to pay the VAT, a reference to the appropriate provision of The VAT Act 1994 or any indication that the supply is one where the customer is liable to pay the VAT.
This covers UK supplies where the customer accounts for the VAT (eg under the gold scheme or any reverse charge requirement under the missing trader intra-community rules). The way in which margin scheme treatment is referenced on an invoice is a matter for the business and we recommend: “This supply is subject to the reverse charge”.
Exempt or zero-rated supplies
Invoices do not have to be raised for exempt or zero-rated transactions when supplied in the UK. But if such supplies are included on invoices with taxable supplies, the exempt and zero-rated supplies must be totalled separately and the invoice must show clearly that there is no VAT payable on them.
Leasing of motor cars
Where an invoice relates wholly or partly to the letting on hire of a motor car other than for self-drive, the invoice must state whether the car is a qualifying vehicle
Alternative evidence to support a claim for input tax
In certain situations HMRC can use its discretion and allow an input tax with documentary evidence other than an invoice. Guidance here.
Electronic invoices
Full information on electronic invoicing here.
Retailers may issue a “less detailed tax invoice” if a customer requests one. the supply must be for £250 or less (including VAT) and must show:
As may be seen, it is a matter of law whether an invoice is valid and when they must be issued. Therefore it is important for a business to understand the position and for its system to be able to produce a valid tax invoice and to recognise what is required to claim input tax. As always with VAT, there are penalties for getting documentation wrong.
If you build your own home, there is a scheme available which permits you to recover certain VAT incurred on the construction. This puts a person who constructs their own home on equal footing with commercial housebuilders. There is no need to be VAT registered in order to make the claim. As always with VAT, there are traps and deadlines, so here I have set out the Top Ten Tips.
An in-depth article on the DIY Housebuilders’ Scheme here
The following are bullet points to bear in mind if you are building your own house, or advising someone who is:
Budgeting plays an important part in any building project. Whether VAT you incur may be reclaimed is an important element. In order to establish this, it is essential that your plans meet the definitions for ‘new residential dwelling’ or ‘qualifying conversion’. This will help ensure that your planning application provides the best position for a successful claim. One point to bear in mind, and which I have found often produces difficulties, is the requirement for the development to be capable of separate (from an existing property) disposal.
You are permitted to build the property for another relative to live in. The key point is that it will become someone’s home and not sold or rented to a third party. Therefore, you can complete the build and obtain invoices in your name, even if the property is for your elderly mother to live in. However, it is not usually possible to claim on a granny annexe built in your garden (as above, they are usually not capable of being disposed of independently to the house).
Despite the name of the scheme, you are able to use contractors to undertake the work for you. The only difference here will be the VAT rate on their services will vary depending on the nature of the works and materials provided.
A valid claim can be made on any building materials you purchase and use on the build project. Also, services of conversion charged at the reduced rate can be recovered. However, input tax on professional services such as architect’s fees cannot be recovered.
It is crucial to receive goods and services at the correct rate of VAT. Services provided on a new construction of a new dwelling will qualify for the zero rate, whereas the reduced rate of 5% will apply for qualifying conversions. If your contractor has charged you 20% where the reduced rate should have been applied, HMRC refuse to refund the VAT and will advise you go back to your supplier to get the error corrected. This is sometimes a problem if your contractor has gone ‘bust’ in the meantime or becomes belligerent. Best to agree the correct VAT treatment up front.
If you wish to purchase goods yourself, it will be beneficial to ask your contractor to buy the goods and combine the value of these with his services of construction. I this way, standard rated goods become zero rated in a new build. If you incur the VAT on goods, you will have to wait until the end of the project to claim it from HMRC.
The claim form must be submitted within three months of completion of the build, usually this is when the certificate of practical completion is issued, or the building is inhabited. although it can be earlier if the certificate is delayed.
HMRC publish the forms on their website
Using the correct forms will help avoid delays and errors.
You are required to send original invoices with the claim. Therefore, take copies of all documents and send the claim by recorded delivery. Unfortunately, experience insists that documents are lost…
If you are in any doubt, please contact me. Mistakes can be costly, and you only get one chance to make the claim. Oh, and don’t forget that this is VAT, so any errors in a claim may be liable to penalties.
There are a number of VAT Schemes which are designed to simplify accounting for the tax. They may save a business money, reduce complexity, avoid the need for certain documentation and reduce the time needed to deal with VAT. Some schemes may be used in combination with others, although I recommend that checks should be made first.
It is important to compare the use of each scheme to standard VAT accounting to establish whether a business will benefit. Some schemes are compulsory and there are particular pitfalls for certain businesses using certain schemes.
I thought that it would be useful to consider the schemes all in one place and look at their features and pros and cons.
These schemes reviewed here are:
Cash Accounting Scheme
Normally, VAT returns are based on the tax point (usually the VAT invoice date) for sales and purchases. This may mean a business having to pay HMRC the VAT due on sales that its customers have not yet paid for.
The VAT cash accounting scheme instead bases reporting on payment dates, both for purchases and sales. A business will need to ensure its records include payment dates.
A business is only eligible for the Cash Accounting Scheme if its estimated taxable turnover is no more than £1.35m, and can then remain in the scheme as long as it remains below £1.6m.
Annual Accounting Scheme
The Annual Accounting Scheme allows a business to pay VAT on account, in either nine monthly or three quarterly payments. These instalments are based on VAT paid in the previous year. It is then required to complete a single, annual VAT return which is used to calculate any balance owed by the business or due from HMRC.
A business is eligible for the scheme if its estimated taxable turnover is no more than £1.35m and is permitted to remain in the scheme as long as it remains below £1.6m.
Flat Rate Scheme
The Flat Rate Scheme is designed to assist smaller businesses reduce the amount of time and complexity required for VAT accounting. The Flat Rate Scheme removes the need to calculate the VAT on every transaction. Instead, a business pays a flat rate percentage of its VAT inclusive turnover. The percentage paid is less than the standard VAT rate because it recognises the fact that no input tax can be claimed on purchases. The flat rate percentage used is dependent on a business’ trade sector.
A business is eligible for this scheme if its estimated taxable turnover in the next year will not exceed £150,000. Once using the scheme, a business is permitted to continue using it until its income exceeds £230,000.
If eligible, a business may combine the Flat Rate Scheme with the Annual Accounting Schemes, additionally, there is an option to effectively use a cash basis so there is no need to use the Cash Accounting Scheme. There has been recent case law on the percentage certain businesses’ use for the FRS, so it is worth checking closely. There is a one percent discount for a business in its first year of trading.
Margin Scheme for Second Hand Goods
A business normally accounts for output tax on the full value of its taxable supplies and reclaims input tax on its purchases. However, if a business deals in second-hand goods, works of art, antiques or collectibles it may use a Margin Scheme. This scheme enables a business to account for VAT only on the difference between the purchase and selling price of an item; the margin. It is not possible to reclaim input tax on the purchase of an item and there will be no output tax if no profit is achieved. There is a special margin schemes for auctioneers. A variation of the Margin Scheme is considered below.
Global Accounting
The problem with the Second Hand Goods Scheme is that full details of each individual item purchased and sold has to be recorded. Global Accounting is an optional, simplified variation of the Second Hand Margin Scheme. It differs from the standard Margin Scheme in that rather than accounting for the margin achieved on the sale of each individual item, output tax is calculated on the margin achieved between the total purchases and total sales in a particular accounting period.
VAT Schemes for Retailers
It is usually difficult for retailers to issue an invoice for each sale made, so various retail schemes have been designed to simplify VAT. The appropriate scheme for a business depends on whether its retail turnover (excluding VAT) is; below £1m, between £1m and £130m and higher.
Smaller businesses may be able to use a retail scheme with Cash Accounting and Annual Accounting but it cannot combine a Retail Scheme with the Flat Rate Scheme. However, retailers may choose to use the Flat Rate Scheme instead of a Retail Scheme.
Using standard VAT accounting, a VAT registered business must record the VAT on each sale. However, via a Retail Scheme, it calculates the value of its total VAT taxable sales for a period, eg; a day, and the proportions of that total that are taxable at different rates of VAT; standard, reduced and zero.
According to the scheme a business uses it then applies the appropriate VAT fraction to that sales figure to calculate the output tax due. A business may only use the Retail Scheme for retail sales and must use the standard accounting procedures for other supplies. It must still issue a VAT invoice to any VAT registered customer who requests one. It is a requirement of any scheme choice that HMRC must consider it fair and reasonable.
Examples of Retail Schemes
There are special arrangements for caterers, retail pharmacists and florists.
Tour Operators Margin Scheme (TOMS)
This simplifies cross-border supplies by fixing the place of supply where the tour operator is located (rather than applying the usual place of supply rules). Tour operators often buy goods and services from businesses in overseas countries and often cannot reclaim the associated input tax. The TOMS resolves this issue by permitting tour operators to calculate the VAT solely on the value they add. This is, in theory, similar to the Margin Scheme above. The scheme applies to any business that buys in and re-sells; travel, accommodation and certain other services as a principal. It not only affects the normal High Street travel companies, but entities such as; schools, hospitality companies, organisers of events etc. TOMS is compulsory and it applies to supplies made to/in in the UK as well as overseas.
As may be seen, there are a lot of choices for a business to consider, especially a start-up. Choosing a scheme which is inappropriate may result in VAT overpayment and a lot of unneeded record keeping and administration. There are real savings to be made by using a beneficial scheme, both in terms of VAT payable and staff time.
We are happy to review a business’ circumstances and calculate what schemes would produce the best outcome.
Please contact us if you require further information.
Marcus Ward Consultancy Ltd 2016