Tag Archives: vat-structure

VAT – Latest from the courts – Holding companies management charges. Norseman Gold plc

By   15 February 2016

The Norseman Gold plc case considered whether a holding company could recover input tax incurred on certain costs.  This is turn depended on whether the holding company was making taxable supplies. Specifically; management charges to non VAT-grouped subsidiary companies.

The Upper Tribunal has recently released its decision. It upheld the First-tier Tribunal’s decision which confirmed that, although the management services in this case could have been considered as economic activities for VAT purposes, there was insufficient evidence to demonstrate that Norseman was making, or intended to make, taxable supplies when the input tax was reclaimed. The UT found that “…vague and general intention that payment would be made …” for management services was insufficient to show a connection between the VAT incurred and taxable supplies.  Consequently, HMRC’s assessments to recover the relevant input tax were upheld.


This case emphasises the importance of holding companies having appropriate processes and ensuring that proper documentation is in place to evidence, not only the intention to make taxable supplies of management charges, but that those charges were actually made to subsidiaries.  It is also important to ensure that actual management of the subsidiaries take place, and a record of this management is retained.  Simply making a charge to subsidiaries is insufficient if no services are actually supplied as this will not constitute an economic activity.

Often significant costs can be incurred by a holding company in cases such as acquisitions and restructuring.  It is important that these costs are incurred by, and invoiced to the appropriate entity in order for the VAT on them to be recovered.  Consideration must be given to how the input tax is recovered before it is incurred and the appropriate structure put in place.

Please contact me should you require further information on this point or would like to discuss the matter further.

VAT Latest from the courts; can HMRC impose a higher value on a supply?

By   9 February 2016

VAT Latest from the courts – Whether Open Market Value applies

HMRC has the power to direct that Open Market Value (OMV) is applied to the value of certain supplies between connected parties – VAT Act 1994 Schedule 6, paragraph 1. This power is used to avoid situations where one party is unable to recover all of the input tax incurred on purchases. Usually, the direction is used when one party purchase goods and services at OMV, recovers full input tax and then supplies these goods and services to a connected party at a lower price, thus reducing the amount of input tax lost by the recipient party.

HMRC deemed this to be the position in Temple Retail Limited and Temple Finance Limited (TC04840) where “TRL” purchased goods and services and resupplied them to “TFL”.  TFL was a company that was unable to recover all of its input tax as a result of partial exemption (it made supplies of exempt credit as it sold goods to consumers via HP agreements).  HMRC was concerned that TRL and TFL had an opportunity to improve their aggregate input tax recovery by charging fees for certain services below OMV and consequently issued an OMV direction.

HMRC later issued TRL with assessments for under-declared output tax for not complying with the direction and this, inter alia, was the subject of the appeal by the taxpayer.

The FT Tribunal was satisfied that the majority of TRL’s fees charged to TFL were charged at OMV. However, The Tribunal decided that advertising services were not calculated at OMV and held that these services should be recalculated by reference to a method which it specified.

The case is a useful reminder of HMRC’s powers to substitute a stated value of a supply with what it believes to be OMV between connected parties. Business which are connected and provide exempt services need to be aware of the position and ensure that relevant supplies do not fall foul of the OMV direction rules.  Care should be taken to document the values used and the reasons why they reflect the economic reality of the position in order to avoid a challenge from HMRC.  OMV is often an area that creates differences of opinion and therefore disputes.  Any structures which set out to deliberately reduce the value of supplies are likely to result in more serious actions from HMRC.

A definition of what constitutes connected parties is found here

If the case sets off any warning bells, please contact us as soon as possible.

Monthly VAT Round-Up

By   29 January 2016

We produce a free monthly email update on all VAT things great and small. It covers events for the last month and flags up significant changes as a result of changes to legislation, HMRC announcements and case law. It also looks at specific VAT issues that may affect a business.

Please contact us you would like to subscribe.


07748 117935

Twitter: @mw_vat

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Linked In Group – Marcus Ward Consultancy VAT

VAT – How To Survive The Enforcement Powers

By   19 January 2016

Penalties for VAT infringements are draconian and there is still an alarming array of enforcement powers to trap the unwary. By being conscious of the problem areas and planning carefully, it should be possible to avoid becoming an unwitting victim of the system. This article focuses mainly on VAT compliance.

Late Registration

You must notify HMRC if your turnover exceeds £82,000 in twelve months, or if you believe it will exceed £82,000 in the next thirty days.  The penalty for failing to notify liability falls within the single penalty system and it could be up to 100% of the VAT due.  There is no penalty if the taxpayer has a reasonable excuse for not registering at the correct time.

After Registration

Every VAT registered business needs to ensure that it is organised to deal with VAT correctly and on time:

  • Is there someone in your business who controls VAT accounting and ensures that new products etc. are properly dealt with for VAT purposes?
  • Do your business systems ensure that all output tax and input tax are properly recorded?
  • Are systems in force to ensure that proper evidence is obtained to support VAT input tax claims?
  • Where VAT is not charged on supplies made, is this correct in law and is proper evidence retained?
  • Are there systems in force to ensure that non‐deductible input tax is not reclaimed, e.g. most VAT on motor cars, or business entertaining?
  • Is VAT always considered before contracts are made?

Default surcharge

A default occurs if HMRC has not received your return and all the VAT due by the due date. The relevant date is the date that cleared funds reach HMRC’s bank account. If the due date is not a working day, payment must be received on the last preceding working day.  .

Consequence of default

You receive a warning after the first default ‐ the Surcharge Liability Notice (SLN). Do not ignore this notice. If you fail to pay the VAT due on the due date within the next five quarters, the surcharge will be 2% of the outstanding tax. The surcharge increases to 5% for the next default, and then by 5% increments to a maximum of 15%.  Each default, whether it is late submission of the return or late payment, extends the surcharge liability period, but only late payment incurs a surcharge.

Errors on returns and claims

Incorrect returns incur a penalty under the following penalties apply:

  • An error, when reasonable care not taken: 30%;
  • An error which is deliberate, but not concealed: 70%;
  • An error, which is deliberate and concealed: 100%.

If a taxpayer takes ‘reasonable care,’ then no penalty is due.

More on errors here

Retention of records

The period for retaining records is six years. There is a fixed penalty of £500 for breaching this requirement.

Default interest

  • Interest on tax will arise in certain circumstances, including cases where:
  • An assessment is made to recover extra tax for a period for which a return has already been made (this includes errors voluntarily disclosed)
  • A person has failed to notify his or her liability to register (or made late notification), and an assessment covering a period longer than three months is made to recover the tax due
  • An invoice purporting to include VAT has been issued by a person not authorised to issue tax invoices.

The rate of interest is set by the Treasury and is broadly in line with commercial rates of interest.


Appeals against penalties may be made to the independent tribunal. The tribunal has powers of mitigation in appropriate circumstances. Where the appeal is against the imposition of interest, penalties, or surcharge, the tax must be paid before an appeal can be heard. The tribunal is given the authority to increase assessments that are established as being for amounts less than they should have been.

Access to information

HMRC has extensive powers to obtain information. It can enter premises and gain access to computerised systems and remove documents. A walking possession agreement can arise where distress is levied against a person’s goods.

The sting in the tail

None of the above penalties or interest is allowable as a deduction when computing income for corporation or income tax purposes.

Action points

If you receive a VAT assessment (because you have not submitted a return), you must check it and notify HMRC within thirty days if it understates your liability

Make sure your systems and records are adequate to enable you to establish the gross amount of tax relating to a VAT period. The preparation of annual accounts cannot be regarded as a safeguard against penalties

Make sure you get your VAT return and payment in on time.

Some of these penalties may not apply if there is a reasonable excuse, but the scope is limited and should not be relied upon

If in doubt, contact us. It is important that you seek professional advice as early as possible.

Small business: Should I register for VAT voluntarily?

By   12 January 2016

OK, so why would a business choose to VAT register when it need not (let’s say it’s turnover is under the VAT registration limit of £82,000)?  Isn’t it best just to avoid the VATman if at all possible?

This is not an article which considers whether a business MUST register, but rather it looks at whether it is a good idea to register on a voluntary basis if it is not compulsory.

As a general rule of thumb; if you sell to the public (B2C) then probably not.  If you sell to other VAT registered businesses (B2B) then it is more likely to be beneficial.

If you sell B2B to customers overseas it is almost certain that VAT registration would be a good thing, as it would if you supply zero rated goods or services in the UK.  This is because there is no output tax on sales, but full input tax recovery on costs; VAT nirvana!  A distinction must be made between zero rated supplies and exempt supplies.  If only exempt supplies are made, a business cannot register for VAT.

Apart from the economic considerations, we have found that small businesses are sometimes put off  VAT registration by the added compliance costs and the potential penalties being in the VAT club can bring.  Weighed against this, there is a certain kudos or prestige for a business and it does convey a degree of seriousness of a business undertaking. It may also make life simpler (and reduce costs) if a business buys goods or services from other EC Member States.  We also come across situations where a customer will only deal with suppliers who are VAT registered.

The key to registration is that, once registered, a business may recover the VAT it incurs on its expenditure (called input tax).  So let us look at some simple examples of existing businesses for comparison:

Example 1

A business sells office furniture to other VAT registered business (B2B).

It buys stock for 10,000 plus VAT of 2,000

It incurs VAT on overheads (rent, IT, telephones, light and heat etc) of 2,000 plus 400 VAT

It makes sales of 20,000.

If not registered, its profit is 20,000 less 12,000 less 2400 = 5600

If VAT registered, the customer can recover any VAT charged, so VAT is not a disincentive to him.

Sales 20,000 plus 4000 VAT (paid to HMRC)

Input tax claimed = 2400 (offset against payment to HMRC)

Result: the VAT is neutral and not a cost, so profit is 20,000 less 12,000 = 8000, a saving of 2400 as compared to the business not being registered.  The 2400 clearly equals the input tax recovered on expenditure.

Example 2

A “one-man band consultant” provides advice B2B and uses his home as his office.  All of his clients are able to recover any VAT charged.

He has very little overheads that bear VAT as most of his expenditure is VAT free (staff, train fares, use of home) so his input tax amounts to 100.

He must weigh up the cost (time/admin etc) of VAT registration against reclaiming the 100 of input tax.  In this case it would probably not be worthwhile VAT registering (although the Flat Rate Scheme may be attractive, please see article here

Example 3

A retailer sells adult clothes to the public from a shop. She pays VAT on the rent and on the purchase of stock as well as the usual overheads.  The total amount she pays is 20,000 with VAT of 4000.

Her sales total 50,000.

If not VAT registered her profit is 50,000 less 24,000 = 26,000

If VAT registered she will treat the value of sales as VAT inclusive, so of the 50,000 income 8333 represents VAT she must pay to HMRC.  She is able to offset her input tax of 4000.

This means that her profit if VAT registered is 50,000 less the VAT of 8333  = 41,667 less the net costs of 20,000 = 21,667.

Result: a loss of 4333 in profit.

As may be seen, if a business sells to the public it is nearly always disadvantageous to be voluntarily VAT registered. It may be possible to increase her prices by circa 20%, but for a lot of retailers, this is unrealistic.

Intending traders

If a business has not started trading, but is incurring input tax on costs, it is possible to VAT register even though it has not made any taxable supplies.  This is known by HMRC as an intending trader registration.  A business will need to provide evidence of the intention to trade and this is sometimes a stumbling block, especially in the area of land and property.  Choosing to register before trading may avoid losing input tax due to the time limits (very generally a business can go back six months for services and four years for goods on hand to recover the VAT).  Also cashflow will be improved if input tax is recovered as soon as possible.


Careful consideration should be given to the VAT status of a small or start-up business.  This may be particularly relevant to start-ups as they typically incur more costs as the business begins and the recovery of the VAT on these costs may be important.

This is a basic guide and there are many various situations that require further consideration of the benefits of voluntary VAT registration.  We would, of course, be pleased to help.

VAT – Building your new home. Claiming VAT on costs

By   14 December 2015

Building your own home is becoming increasingly popular.  There are many things to think about, and budgeting is one of the most important.

The recovery of VAT on the project has a huge impact on the budget and care must be taken to ensure that a claim is made properly and within the time limits.  You don’t have to be VAT registered to make a claim, this is done via a mechanism known as The DIY Housebuilders’ Scheme.  It has specific rules which must be adhered to otherwise the claim will be rejected.

If you buy a new house from a property developer, you will not be charged VAT. This is because the sale of the house to you will be zero-rated. This allows the developer to reclaim the VAT paid on building materials from HMRC. However, if you build a house yourself, you will not be able to benefit from the zero-rating. The DIY Housebuilder’ Scheme puts you in a similar position to a person who buys a zero-rated house built by a property developer.

Who can make a claim?

You can apply for a VAT refund on building materials and services if you are:

  • building a new home in which you will live
  • converting a building into a home
  • building a non-profit communal residence, eg; a hospice
  • building a property for a charity.


New homes

The house must:

  • be separate and self-contained (eg; not an extension)
  • be for you or your family to live or holiday in (not for sale when complete)
  • not be for business purposes (you can use one room as a work from home office)
  • not be prevented from sale independently to another building by planning permission or similar (eg; a granny annexe).

A claim may also be made for garages built at the same time as the house and to be used with the house.

Contractors working on new residential buildings should zero rate their supplies to you, so you won’t pay any VAT on these.


The building being converted must usually be a non-residential building (eg; a barn conversion). Residential also buildings qualify if they haven’t been lived in for at least 10 years.

You may claim a refund for builders’ work on a conversion of non-residential building into home. These supplies will be charged at the reduced rate of 5% for conversion works.  If the standard rate of 20% s charged incorrectly, you will not be able to claim the standard rated amount. Care should be taken that the contractor understands the VAT rules for conversions as these can be complex.

Communal and charity buildings

You may get a VAT refund if the building is for one of the following purposes:

  • non-business – you can’t charge a fee for the use of the building
  • charitable, eg; a hospice
  • residential, eg; a children’s home

What can you claim on?

Building materials

You may claim a VAT refund for building materials that are incorporated into the building and can’t be removed without tools or damaging the building.

What doesn’t qualify

You cannot claim for:

  • building projects outside the UK
  • materials or services that don’t have any VAT, eg;  were zero-rated or exempt
  • professional or supervisory fees, eg architects and surveyors
  • the hire of plant, tools and equipment, eg; generators, scaffolding and skips
  • building materials that aren’t permanently attached to or part of the building itself
  • some fitted furniture, electrical and gas appliances, carpets or garden ornaments
  • supplies for which you do not have a VAT invoice

Examples of items you can, and cannot claim for are listed below.

How to claim

To claim a VAT refund, send form 431NB or 431C to HMRC

Local Compliance National DIY Team
NE98 1ZZ

What you need to know

You must claim within 3 months of the building work being completed.

You will usually get the refund in 30 working days of sending the claim.

You must include the following with your claim:

  • bank details
  • planning permission
  • proof the building work is finished – eg a letter from your local authority
  • a full set of building plans
  • invoices – including tenders or estimations if the invoice isn’t itemised
  • bills and any credit notes

VAT invoices must be valid and show the correct rate of VAT or they will not be accepted in the claim.

HMRC usually examine every claim closely and often query them, so it pays to ensure that the claim is as accurate as possible first time.  We find a review by us before submission ensures the maximum amount is claimed and delays are avoided.

Payments made after completion of the house cannot be claimed, and only one claim can be made for the whole project, so cashflow may be an issue.

Examples of items that you can claim for
The items listed below are accepted as being ‘ordinarily’ incorporated in a building (or its site). This is not a complete list.
  • Air conditioning
  • Building materials that make up the fabric of the property (for example, bricks, cement, tiles, timber, etc)
  • Burglar and fire alarms
  • Curtain poles and rails
  • Fireplaces and surrounds
  • Fitted kitchen furniture, sinks, and work surfaces
  • Flooring materials (other than carpets and carpet tiles)
  • Some gas and electrical appliances when wired-in or plumbed-in
  • Heating and ventilation systems including solar panels
  • Light fittings (including chandeliers and outside lights)
  • Plumbing materials, including electric showers, ‘in line’ water softeners and sanitary ware
  • Saunas
  • Turf, plants, trees (to the extent that they are detailed on scheme approved by a Planning Permission) and fencing permanently erected around the boundary of the dwelling
  • TV aerials and satellite dishes
Examples of items that you cannot claim for
This is not a complete list.
    • Aga/range cookers (Unless they are solid fuel, oil-fired or designed to heat space or water. Note: not all cookers are ‘space heaters’ because they incidentally radiate heat while operating. To be classified as such they must be fitted to a heating module or boiler)
    • Free-standing and integrated appliances such as: cookers, fridges, freezers, dishwashers, microwaves, washing machines, dryers, coffee machines
    • Audio equipment (including remote controls), built-in speakers, intelligent lighting systems, satellite boxes, Freeview boxes, CCTV, telephones
    • Consumables (for example, sandpaper, white spirit)
    • Electrical components for garage doors and gates (including remote controls)
    • Bedroom furniture (unless they are basic wardrobes) bathroom furniture (for example, vanity units and free-standing units)
    • Curtains, blinds (unless they are integral, that is, blinds inside sealed double-glazed window units),
    • Carpets
  • Garden furniture and ornaments and sheds. 

Please contact us if you require assistance with a DIY Housebuild project.

VAT Sixth Form Colleges – Changes

By   25 November 2015

In today’s Autumn Statement, the Chancellor announced that Sixth Form Colleges will be able to convert to academies.

This means that colleges which do convert will need to review their VAT position.  There are immediate decisions to make on how to structure and deal with VAT. This Statement is great news for colleges and there will be an immediate and ongoing VAT benefit if they become an academy.  However, as with all things VAT, there are also pitfalls. As with schools converting to academy status, it is usual that the Trustees and relevant staff will need to consider VAT for the first time.  We are able to guide academies through the VAT maze and help them maximise this new beneficial tax position. We have considerable experience in dealing with VAT and academies and advise over 50 across the country. Please contact us if these changes affect you, or you would like to discuss the implications. Please see our academy services here

Should I form a VAT Group? Pros and Cons

By   19 November 2015

VAT Groups

This is a very concise summary of matters that should be considered when deciding to form or disband a VAT group. rowing boats

VAT grouping is a facilitation measure by which two or more bodies corporate can be treated as a single taxable person (a single VAT registration) for VAT purposes. “Bodies Corporate” includes; companies of all types and limited liability partnerships.

It is important to recognise the difference between a corporate group and a VAT group – these are two different things and it should not be assumed that a corporate group is automatically a VAT group.

There are detailed rules on who can VAT group, which is an article in itself for another day, but it is worth remembering that it is possible to VAT group where no taxable supplies are made outside the group.


  • Only one VAT return per quarter – less administration.
  • The representative member accounts for any tax due on supplies made by the group to third parties outside the group. This is particularly helpful if your accounting is centralised
  • No VAT on supplies between VAT group members. No need to invoice etc, or recognise supplies on VAT return.
  • Usually improves the partial exemption position if exempt supplies are made between group companies.
  • May improve input tax recovery if taxable supplies are made to a partly exempt group company.
  • If assets are hived up or down into a group company before a company sale to a non-grouped third party, the VAT consequences of the intra-group movement may be ignored.
  • May provide useful planning opportunities/convenience at a later date.
  • Sales invoices issued, or purchase invoices received, in the wrong company name would not require time-consuming amendment.
  • There may be cashflow benefits in respect of intra-group charges.
  • Reduced chance of penalties on intra-group charges.


  • All members of the group are jointly and severally liable for any VAT due.
  • Former VAT group members are also liable for any VAT debts due during the period of VAT group membership.
  • Only one partial exemption de-minimis limit for group – which decreases the ability to fully recover input tax.
  • Obtaining all relevant data to complete one return may take time thus possibly missing filing deadlines.
  • A new VAT number is issued.
  • The representative member needs all of the necessary information to submit a VAT return for the group by the due date.
  • Via anti-avoidance provisions, assessments can be raised on the representative member relating to earlier periods when it was not the representative member and even when it was not a member of the group at that time.
  • The limit for voluntary disclosures of errors on past returns applies to the group as a whole (rather than each company having its own limit).
  • The payments on account (POA) limits apply to the group as a whole. This applies to a business whose VAT liability is more than £2 million pa. This adversely affects a business’s cashflow.
  • The cash accounting limit of £1,350,000 applies to the group as a whole (rather than each company having its own limit).
  • Transfers of Going Concerns (TOGCs) acquired by a partly exempt VAT group may result in an irrecoverable VAT charge as a result of a deemed self-supply.
  • An option to tax made by a VAT group member is binding on all present and future members of the VAT group. This is so even after a company has left the VAT group.

We strongly recommend that professional advice is taken when a business is either considering forming a VAT group, or when thought is being given to disbanding one. Making the wrong decision could be very expensive indeed.  Specific matters that dictate VAT advice are when:

  • property is involved
  • inter-company charges are made
  • TOGCs are involved
  • costs in respect of restructuring are incurred (a current hot potato in the courts)
  • there is an international aspect to a group
  • a reverse charge applies
  • a company has been involved in the penalty regime
  • companies become insolvent
  • a VAT group is subject to POA
  • a company, or the VAT group, makes exempt supplies.

VAT – Where do I belong?!

By   16 November 2015
The concept of “belonging” is very important in VAT as it determines where a supply takes place and thus the rate applicable and the country in which is due. (The so-called “Place Of Supply, or POS). It is necessary, for most supplies, to establish where both the supplier, and the recipient belongs. Because this is a complex area of VAT it is not difficult to be overpaying tax in one country, not paying tax where it is properly due, or missing the tax issue completely. 

A relevant business person `belongs’ in the relevant country. A `relevant country’ means:

  •  the country in which the person has a business establishment, or some other fixed establishment (if it has none in any other country);
  •  if the person has a business establishment, or some other fixed establishment or establishments, in more than one country, the country  of the relevant establishment (ie; the establishment most directly concerned with the supply); and
  •  otherwise, the country of the person’s usual place of residence (in the case of a body corporate, where it is legally constituted).

A person who is not a relevant business person `belongs’ in the country of his usual place of residence. The `belonging’ definition applies equally to the recipient of a supply, where relevant.

Business establishment is not defined in the legislation but is taken by HMRC to mean the principal place of business. It is usually the head office, headquarters or ‘seat’ from which the business is run. There can only be one such place and it may take the form of an office, showroom or factory.

Fixed establishment is not defined in the legislation but is taken by HMRC to mean an establishment (other than the business establishment) which has both the technical and human resources necessary for providing and receiving services on a permanent basis. A business may therefore have several fixed establishments, including a branch of the business or an agency. A temporary presence of human and technical resources does not create a fixed establishment in the UK.

Usual place of residence. A body corporate has its usual place of residence where it is legally constituted. The usual place of residence of an individual is not defined in the legislation. HMRC interpret the phrase according to the ordinary usage of the words, ie; normally the country where the individual has set up home with his/her family and is in full-time employment. An individual is not resident in a country if only visiting as a tourist.

More than one establishment. Where the supplier/recipient has establishments in more than one country, the supplies made from/received at each establishment must be considered separately. For each supply of services, the establishment which is actually providing/receiving the services is normally the one most directly connected with the supply but all facts should be considered including

  •  for suppliers, from which establishment the services are actually provided;
  •  for recipients, at which establishment the services are actually consumed, effectively used or enjoyed;
  •  which establishment appears on the contracts, correspondence and invoices;
  •  where directors or others who entered into the contract are permanently based; and
  •  at which establishment decisions are taken and controls are exercised over the performance of the contract.

However, where an establishment is actually providing/receiving the supply of services, it is normally that establishment which is most directly connected with the supply, even if the contractual position is different.

VAT groups

A VAT group is treated as a single entity. This also applies when applying the ‘place of belonging’. As a result, a group has establishments wherever any member of the group has establishments.

This is an area which often leads to uncertainty, and therefore VAT issues.  It is also an area where VAT planning may; save time, resources and avoid unexpected VAT costs, either in the UK or another country.

For more on our International Services

VAT Flat Rate Scheme – beware the hidden costs

By   5 November 2015

VAT Basics

Anything that makes VAT easier and that can even reduce the amount payable must be a good thing….right?

The Flat Rate Scheme (FRS) was introduced to simplify VAT accounting for small businesses (with an annual turnover under £150,000) and does away with the concept of input and output tax. Instead a flat rate is applied to a business’ VAT inclusive turnover. This means a business in the FRS cannot reclaim any VAT incurred on its purchases, but a lower (than 20%) rate of VAT is applied to its VAT inclusive income.

Additionally, there is an option to only account and pay VAT when the business itself has been paid by its customers; doing away with VAT bad debt issues and improving cashflow.

Now this certainly has its attractions in terms of reducing the administrative burden and some business find that it reduces the amount of VAT payable. However care should be taken to select the appropriate business category/rate. A simple exercise to compare VAT declared under the “normal” rules to that due under the FRS is clearly prudent. But, as with all things VAT, there can be a catch.

The two drawbacks to the scheme

1)      If a business incurs a significant amount of input tax then, unless the flat rate percentage benefit outweighs the loss of input tax, then the FRS is not for them.

2)      If a business makes any supplies at the zero rate, or that are exempt, or outside the scope of VAT this income is also included in the turnover for the FRS. The result is then that VAT has to be accounted for on sales that would be VAT free under the normal VAT rules.

This is a bad thing!

Examples of businesses which need to be particularly aware are ones which:

–        Export goods or services

–        Provide goods or services cross-border to other EC member States

–        Sell books, food, or children’s clothes

–        Build new homes

–        Provide transport

–        Let property

–        Are charities or Not For Profit entities

–        Provide financial or insurance services or brokerage

–        Provide health and/or welfare services

–        Provide education and/or training

–        Offer subscriptions to membership organisations

–        Provide sport services

–        Are usually in a repayment position with HMRC

(This list is not exhaustive).

The FRS should certainly be considered for smaller businesses especially start-ups; since a first year discount is available for those that are in their first year of VAT registration. These get a one per cent reduction in the flat rate percentage until the day before their first anniversary of becoming VAT registered.

It is important for advisers to consider whether a client would benefit from being in the FRS, or indeed, whether continuation of the scheme remains advantageous to the business.

The VAT flat rates

The VAT flat rate you use depends on the type of business. If the rate changes, a business must apply the new rate from the date it changes. Also, if the nature of a taxpayer’s business changes it is important to review its FRS position.

The applicable rates here

The detailed rules of the FRS here