Tag Archives: zero-rate

A VAT Did you know?

By   12 October 2023

We know that burying a deceased person is exempt, but exhumation is standard rated and we now know, thanks to the UK Funerals On-line Ltd FTT case, that the service of the repatriation of the body of a deceased person can be viewed as either an exempt supply of funeral services or a zero-rated supply of transport services.

This being the case, zero rating trumps exemption via of The VAT Act 1994, section 30(1).

A VAT Did you know?

By   29 August 2023

Hard or soft? Stiff or floppy?

Sssh at the back, this is important…

Whether cakes and biscuits go hard or soft when stale helps to determine whether they are indeed cakes or biscuits (cakes go hard, biscuits go soft). This is the difference between VAT at 20% and zero rating for some products – yes… Jaffa Cakes!.

Whether printed matter is stiff or floppy can also result in either 20% or zero rated treatment. In this case, for single sheet products, eg; leaflets, limp is good and hard can result in the VAT hit.

What did you think I was talking about? Stop making up your own jokes…

VAT: Land related services

By   21 August 2023

Whether a service is “related to land” is important because there are distinct rules for this type of supply compared to the General Rule. The place of supply (POS) of land related services is where the land is located, regardless of where the supplier or recipient belong.

The rule applies only to services which relate directly to a specific site of land. This means a service where the land is a central and essential part of the service or where the service is intended to legally or physically alter a property.

It does not apply if a supply of services has only an indirect connection with land, or if the land related service is only an incidental component of a more comprehensive supply of services.

What is land?

For the purpose of determining the POS, land (also called immoveable property in legislation) means:

  • a specific part of the earth, on, above or below its surface
  • a building or structure fixed to, or in, the ground above or below sea level which cannot be easily dismantled or moved
  • an item making up part of a building without which it is incomplete (such as doors, windows, roofs, staircases and lifts)
  • items of equipment or machinery permanently installed in a building which cannot be moved without destroying or altering the building

What services directly relate to land?

HMRC provide the following examples:

  • construction or demolition of a building or permanent structure
  • surveying and assessing property
  • valuing property
  • providing accommodation in hotels, holiday camps, camping sites or timeshare accommodation
  • maintenance, renovation and repair of a building
  • property management services carried out on behalf of the owner
  • arranging the sale or lease of land or property
  • drawing up of plans for a building or part of a building designated for a particular site
  • services relating to the obtaining of planning consent for a specific site
  • on-site security services
  • agricultural work on land
  • installation and assembly of machines which, when installed, will form a fixture of the property that cannot be easily dismantled or moved
  • the granting of rights to use all or part of a property (such as fishing or hunting rights and access to airport lounges)
  • legal services such as conveyancing and drawing up of contracts of sale or leases, including title searches and other due diligence on a specific property
  • bridge or tunnel toll fees
  • the supply of space for the use of advertising billboards
  • the supply of plant and equipment together with an operator
  • the supply of specific stand space at an exhibition or fair without any related services

What services are only indirectly related to land?

The following HMRC examples are not deemed to be land related services:

  • management of a property investment portfolio
  • drawing up of plans for a building that do not relate to a particular site
  • arranging the supply of hotel accommodation or similar services
  • installation, assembly, repair or maintenance of machines or equipment which are not, and do not become, part of the building
  • accountancy or tax advice, even when that relates to tax on rental income
  • the supply of storage of goods in property without a right to a specific area for the exclusive use of the customer
  • advertising services including those that involve the use of a billboard
  • marketing, photography and public relations
  • the supply of equipment with an operator, where it can be shown that the supplier has no responsibility for the performance of the work
  • general legal advice on contractual terms
  • legal services connected with fund raising for property acquisitions or in connection with the sale of shares in a company or units in a unit trust which owns land
  • stand space at an exhibition or conference when supplied as part of a package with related services, eg; design, security, power, telecommunications, etc.

These examples are mainly derived from case law and the department’s understanding of the legislation and they are not exhaustive.

The Reverse Charge

If an overseas supplier provides land related services in GB, the POS is GB and the reverse charge applies if the recipient is GB VAT registered.

If a GB supplier provides services directly related to land where the land is located outside GB, the POS is not GB. This means that there is a supply in another country. VAT rules in different countries vary (even across the EU) – some countries use the reverse charge mechanism, but others require the GB supplier to VAT register in the country of the POS (where the land is physically located).

Overages – what are they and what is the VAT treatment?

By   4 August 2023

Land and property transactions are often complex and high value for VAT purposes. One area which we have been increasingly involved with is overages.

What is an overage?

An overage is an agreement whereby a purchaser of land agrees to pay the vendor an additional sum of money, in addition to the purchase price, following the occurrence of a future specified event that enhances the value of the land. This entitles the seller to a proportion of the enhanced value following the initial sale. Overages may also be called clawbacks, or uplifts.

Overages are popular with landowners who sell with the benefit of development potential and with buyers who may be able to purchase land at an initial low price with a condition that further payment will be made contingent on land increasing in value in the future – this may be as a result, of, say, obtaining Planning Permission.

VAT Treatment

This is not free from doubt. HMRC’s current view is that the VAT treatment of the overage follows the VAT treatment of the initial supply. This means that it is deemed to be additional consideration for the original supply, so if the land was subject to an Option To Tax (OTT) when originally disposed of  the overage payment would be subject to VAT at 20%. Conversely, if the land was sold on an exempt basis, the overage is similarly VAT free and it is important to recognise this and not to charge VAT unnecessarily which would create difficulties for the buyer (because it would not be a VAT-able supply, HMRC would disallow a claim for input tax).

It is crucial to identify this VAT outcome, especially as there could be a long period between the original sale and the overage and there may be a succession of overage payments. Comprehensive records should be made and retained on the VAT status of land sold.


Uncertainty arises because HMRC have changed its view on overages. The original interpretation was that there were two separate supplies, each with distinct VAT treatments. As there was no link to the original supply, the overage was mandatorily standard rated, even if the initial supply was exempt.

Additionally, take the position where the original sale was standard rated due to an OTT on the land, and the buyer subsequently built and sold new dwellings (which effectively disapplies the OTT via para 3, Notice 742A) it could be argued that the overage should be exempt as it is linked to the sale of the new houses.

We understand that HMRC’s analysis is that VAT treatment of overages is determined at the time of the original supply such that it cannot be affected by subsequent events.

In our view, the “new” HMRC view may be open to challenge – We await updated published guidance on this.

VAT: B2B and B2C – The distinction and importance

By   1 August 2023

A key feature of the place of supply rules is the distinction between B2B (business to business) and B2C (business to consumer) supplies. The distinction is important because it determines, inter alia, whether GB VAT is applicable to a supply made by a GB supplier.

Status of the customer:

  • B2C: A supply is B2C when the customer is a private individual, an organisation with only non-business activities or the supply is wholly for private use (eg for the private use of a business owner)
  • B2B: A supply is B2B when the customer has any level of business activity (though if a supply is wholly for private use it remains B2C). It does not matter if the supply is for a non-business activity of the customer or if the customer is not VAT registered. All that matters is the customer has some level of business activity – this includes VAT exempt activity and taxable activity below the VAT registration threshold VAT place of supply.

To apply the B2B treatment a GB supplier must obtain evidence that the customer has business activities. If the supplier cannot obtain any evidence, they should apply B2C treatment.

  • If the customer is VAT registered, the customer’s VAT number is evidence of status and it is good practice to quote this on the supplier’s invoice. A GB supplier should check the customer’s VAT registration number is in the correct format for the country concerned. This can be done via the EC Vies website. for EU customers. NB: Special evidence rules apply to electronically supplied services.
  • If the customer is not VAT registered, a GB supplier should obtain and retain evidence that the customer has business activities. HMRC state “If your customer is unable to provide a VAT number, you can accept alternative evidence.This includes certificates from fiscal authorities, business letterheads or other commercial documents indicating the nature of the customer’s activities”.

A supplier needs to identify where his customer belongs in order to establish the place of supply.

VERY broadly, depending on the nature of the supply, the rule of thumb is that a B2B service is GB VAT free (it is subject to a reverse charge by the recipient as it is deemed to be “supplied where received”) but a B2C service is generally subject to GB VAT, regardless of the place of belonging of the recipient. There are exceptions to these rules however, such as the use and enjoyment provisions, land related services, hire of transport and admission to events.

A VAT Did you know?

By   27 July 2023

Popcorn is standard rated, but microwavable popcorn is VAT free.

VAT: How to characterise a supply – The tests

By   27 June 2023

In the age-old matter of whether a supply is separate/composite/compound for VAT purposes which and what is the nature of that supply, the Court of Appeal case of Gray & Farrar International LLP has provided very helpful guidance. A background to facts of the initial hearing here (although this decision was overturned by both the UT and the CoA).

I have previously considered these types of supply here, here, here, here, and here. Although not specifically concerning composite/separate supplies, the case sets out a hierarchy of tests to be applied in characterising a single supply for VAT purposes which now sets the standard. These test are:

  1. The Mesto predominance test should be the primary test to be applied in characterising a supply for VAT purposes.
  2. The principal/ancillary test is an available, though not the primary, test. It is only capable of being applied in cases where it is possible to identify a principal element to which all the other elements are minor or ancillary. In cases where it can apply, it is likely to yield the same result as the predominance test.
  3. The “overarching” test is not clearly established in the ECJ jurisprudence, but as a consideration the point should at least be taken into account in deciding averments of predominance in relation to individual elements, and may well be a useful test in its own right.


The Mesto Test

CJEU Mesto Zamberk Financini (Case C-18/12)

The primary test to be applied when characterising a single supply for VAT purposes is to determine the predominant element from the point of view of the typical consumer with regard to the qualitative and not merely the quantitative importance of the constituent elements.


If a distinct supply represents 50% or more of the overall cost, it can not be considered ancillary to the principal supply. In such cases an apportionment will usually be required.


A generic description of the supply which is distinct from the individual elements. In many cases the tax treatment of that overarching single supply according to that description will be self-evident.


One must also have regard to the Card Protection Plan Ltd case. This has become a landmark case in determining the VAT treatment for single and multiple supplies. In this case the ECJ ruled that standard rated handling charges were not distinct from the supply of exempt insurance. It was noted that ‘a supply that comprises a single service from an economic point of view should not be artificially split’. Notably many subsequent court decisions have since followed this outcome thereby suggesting a general lean towards viewing cases as single supplies where there are reasonable grounds to do so.

A VAT Did you know?

By   26 June 2023

In this hot weather it is important to drink sufficient fluids. If you buy a bottle of water, you will pay VAT, but milk is zero rated.

A VAT Did you know?

By   25 May 2023

The sale of ducks is zero rated, but racing pigeons are standard rated.

VAT: Updated Fuel & Power Notice 701/19

By   16 May 2023

HMRC has updated this Notice to reflect the new de minimis limits (para 6.1.1).