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In the San Domenico Vetraria SpA CJEU case the issue was the treatment of the secondment of staff by an Italian parent company to its subsidiary and the reimbursement by the subsidiary company of the costs incurred. Was there a VAtable supply?
The issue was whether the relevant payment represented a supply of services ‘for consideration’. The parent company seconded one of its directors to its subsidiary and a charge was made based solely on a reimbursement of actual costs. The Italian domestic court ruled that the transaction was outside the scope of VAT on the basis that there was no consideration paid or received and therefore no supply of services.
The court ruled that despite the fact that the value of the payment to the parent company was limited to the parent company’s costs this did not mean that consideration for the director’s secondment was absent. Therefore, as consideration flowed in both directions, a taxable supply took place such that VAT was due, the claim of input tax made by the subsidiary was correct and the Italian authorities were incorrect to deny credit for it.
The President of the Chamber stated in the ruling that “The amount of the consideration, in particular the fact that it is equal to, greater or less than, the costs which the taxable person incurred in providing his service, is irrelevant in that regard”. It was immaterial that no profit was made, and the absence of such profit did not affect the VAT treatment.
There was a legal relationship between the provider of the service and the recipient pursuant to which there is reciprocal performance, the remuneration received by the provider of the service constituting the value actually given in return for the service supplied to the recipient.
This is a useful clarification/confirmation. The supply was not a disbursement (details here) so it was a supply by the parent company. More on inter-company charges here.
If the recipient company was partly exempt or unable to reclaim the input tax for any reason, the VAT would have represented a real cost. So, would there be a way to avoid this charge? The answer (in the UK at least) is yes. If the director had a joint contract of employment with both companies, there would be no supply. Also, if the two companies were part of the same VAT group, the “supply” would be disregarded, so there would be no VAT cost for the subsidiary.